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Merrie Chew

adrienne amanda ann arlana
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Sunday, 16 August, 2009



New location!
Future updates will be at http://redpostits.livejournal.com/
, byebye bs & hello lj! Easier to upload photos w/o making the webpage laggy too thanks to lj cuts. See you there!

started typing here at 04.35pm

Saturday, 15 August, 2009




Melbourne looks prettier & nicer at night, it seems more peaceful, I like. Remeber going for Open Day last year, & Yilin & I went for a lecture, it seemed so dreamy when we were in Trinity. How time flies & now we're studying in Melbourne Uni!

Anyways! Photos of Friday night is up on fb, link here! Don't feel like uploading them & posting them here, so ohwells, click away! Crepes! Harajuku's custom-made crepes aint niceee, its a ripoff actually! For custom-made ones, I would prefer to go back to Icecube to eat, hee. But Harajuku's hot crepes are nice still!! Went down to eat at 9ish 10, after watching SYTYCD. Sat under the big clock for an hour odd with Chooyyyy, been some time since we last idled around! Suggested sitting at the grass patch in front of the State Library actually, but it was too colddddd D: BUT!! The weather is getting less cold!! Its getting more sunny by the day & the temperature is going up to 20degrees. Love it! Getting tired of the cold weather, Spring come quickly pls! I remember a few nights ago, my feet was freezing & I slept with socks on, LOL! You can never do that in Singapore.

&!!!!! Completed Finance & Managing essay! Uh, what a relief, these 2 are the most last-minute assignments by far! Starting on it only a week before the due date, going to the library & photocopying away. But the adrenaline rush gives me the "UH!" to do & feels very much more accomplished when I finish it! Heee. & a few hours later I laid in bed & tried to read Macroecons txtbook & I almost fell asleep... Note to self: DO NOT read Macro readings at night, only do so in the afternoon! HA HA, its helluva lullaby. Instantaneous effect. K, going to stop studying early tonight, shall continue revising & doing notes tmrrw! 2 online MCQ tests the coming week, then its BREAK before the next round of assignments come. &!! Package is arriving soon as well! Homey!!!

started typing here at 11.02pm

Wednesday, 12 August, 2009

Specialty for the Menu: Tempura Fried Brain

Due Dates:
Animals Online Quiz 14AUG(5PM)-17AUG(5PM)
Macroeconomics Online Test 17AUG(9AM)-19AUG(2PM)
Finance Essay 18AUG(4PM)
Managing Essay 19AUG(4PM)

& Yilin called me twice to tell me she is bored. Wth!! Look at my due dates, I've got 2 essays due in a week & I've not started writing them yet. I've gotten all my resources though, after last night. Brain was all fried from the searching of journals & useful information. I have the most due dates than the rest :/ :( Going to get it done over with. My plan is to finish Finance essay by tonight, don't know if I can do it, but that's the plan!

started typing here at 04.18pm

Sunday, 09 August, 2009

Get Off That Cake!

Happy birthday Singapore!! Am not that enthusiast to stream the parade online as its always the same each year. President comes in in the usual white Mercedes-Benz with white policemen in white motorcycles around his perimeter. & everyone stands up. & then the usual parade march from various Army units & associations with flags & guns. & then the formations with the performances & a singer or two will be singing the National Day theme song of the year. Ha ha, its been too long! But the goodie bags are the usual watch-out-fors. Saw this year's goodie bag, its like a Crumpler bag, & the goodies inside are quite... weird. The usual Singapore-related tattoos, Newater, & weird-flavoured bread (?) & High School Musical magazine (??) & yada yada. LOL! & still remember how friends without Cable Vision will moan & whine about being forced to watch the parade bec every free-to-air channels will be playing the parade! But now that I'm deprived of the option of watching the parade, would very much love to catch the fireworks! Heart-shaped ones especially, ahhhh.



Cuppycake from Yilin!! Thank qqqq! Its v nice! I had the left one btw, its called "Red Velvet" & its strawb cheesecake flavour! Guessed it when I first bite into it. The icing is not too sweet or filled with sugar like the usual ones. It still keeps the icing sugar texture but the taste is just nice, not too sweet nor too tasteless! The cheesecake flavour was grasped quite well, tasty enough for you to recognize it as cheesecake flavoured & not too overpowering till you feel gelate. & the strawb sponge cake is not too dry, moist enough to complement the nice icing. Hee, very nice, me likey! My supper for tday after my 1st Hungry Jacks meal in Australia, LOL. Yeah, I never ate Hungry Jacks before, not even Trinity, I don't know, I always had an impression that its quite dubious & dodgy. But guess not, its perfectly fine & just a little below Mcdonalds!

Omg, & my retail therapy came earlier then I planned! LOL! Its not even considered therapy bec I have not started on my assignments & worked on my revision. But seeing it from another angle, it will arrive when my assignments are due! So its kinda like a motivation still!

started typing here at 10.43pm

Friday, 07 August, 2009

Spazzy Dance


Mekong for beef noodles! & spring rolls & durain smoothie. Sudden craving for spring rolls, those fried ones, yummyyyy. K, & then it XtremeScreen time! The movie was v nice, lots of sexual & sick jokes but still v nice & funny overall!! The rating here is MA15, which is prob MA18 in Spore with maybe more censorship.

Weekend is going to be spent on completing tutorial work & readings & revision so that I can get to searching for journals on Monday & get 2 essays done by the end of the week. Uh, studying weekend, :/ After 19 AUG, it will be relief once again & slacking till the next batch of assignments & essays come!

OHYA, I completed hk drama!! Last Man Standing. Its v v nice, 1st episode & last episode last scene is quite scary, so don't watch it at night, will give you the creeps. & I'm pretty sure there will be a sequel to it, these kind of ending... LOL! I won't, WON'T start on the next hk drama till I'm done with essays & online tests. Will only watch DVDs & dwl-ed movies for now, no distraction! & on 19 AUG, I shall reward myself with my massive online order, :D Retail therapy always works!

started typing here at 11.05pm

Thursday, 06 August, 2009



Skyped with Mummy. She was telling how cute Kiko was! K, last time when I'm back in Spore, Kiko & I will share pillow & sleep. Like I will sleep on the bottom part, then she will curl up around my head & sleep on the top part of the pillow. K, I drew it out on paint, Kiko looks like a brown rabbit in the picture. & she looks like she is standing on my head, LOL. ANYWAYS, so I told Kiko that even when I'm back in AuzzieLand, she can still sleep on my pillow beside Mummy. & then Daddy came back home, & he slept at my place. So naturally Kiko went up to his pillow, thinking it was mine, & settled there. But Daddy didn't want to share pillow with her, so he pushed her off & Kiko was confused & lost. Then she tried to go up to the pillow again but Daddy shoved her off again. Kiko got frustrated & went up to Daddy's stomach & laid there. LOL!! My baby so cute. & then Mummy placed my pillow in between for Kiko to sleep but Kiko insisted on going back to her usual spot. HAHAHAHA, the fight between Daddy & Kiko!! K, it might be boring to some of you, but its v cute in my p.o.v & it makes me want to go back to Spore & sleep with Kiko on the same pillow. I'm going to miss it when I lie on my pillow tonight ): ): ):

K, back to what I was supposed to do! Which is revise the lectures & catch up on my readings. BUT! I ended up watching 3 more episode of hk drama. Freak, 3 eh!! Thats like almost 2hours. But I can't help it!! I'm finishing soon & its at the climax! 4 more episodes to go!! I'm going to watch all the way tmrrw after sch till before I leave. Omgg, hope can watch finish all before going off in the evening. Or else I will die, imagine hanging there when you are just a few episodes away from finishing it!! LOL, k, see how tmrrw.

started typing here at 11.05pm

Thursday, 06 August, 2009

Ben Hunt, Danny Samson, Nilss Olekalns. NOOOOOOO.


WTS, its already the 6th of August. & I've got 2 essays & 2 online tests due in less than 2 weeks. TIME TO PANIC. Omg, got to go get journals for the essays, h8 journal-searching, always v futile & after much efforts, I will only be able to find v little journals thats useful for my essay, how lacking!

& after 4 wangwangs, tens of sultanas & almonds and 3 episodes of hk drama, I'm finally starting on Finance revision. Omg Merrie Chew, hurry revise & get the essays going!! D:

started typing here at 08.00pm

Tuesday, 04 August, 2009

Hot Hot

Stomach freaking pain during Macro lecture tday! Not those run-to-toilet kind, but its like pounding pain & just feel like fainting kind. It. Was. The. Worst. Anyways, endured through the torturing lecture, 1 hour never felt that long before, I swear. Came home & lay in bed till Ann came back from Vic Market. Sorry for not going with you D: Anyways, some sleep & chrysanthenem tea did the work & felt much better.

& I have no idea how I managed to complete Macro & Animals pre-tutorial work when I napped, slacked, online shopped & watched 3 episodes of hk drama. Rock yozz. & its only 11.30pm, think I should sleep earlier tonight, tmrrw revise lectures & do the readings. H8 the readings yknow, can read halfway through fall asleep one (which Cindy Phua did, HA HA). Must must endure & read the many many pages. & changed my timetable, again. Must reprint timetable again, thrice already, hee. Got a better Finance tutor (one that turns up on the 1st tutorial) & better Macro tut slot, me likeyyy.


This is da bombzzz. Love it love it love it. Can never get enough of it. Had craving for it, bought 100grams. Came home & eat finish within 1 hour. Craving to eat it again. LOL, its like a vicious cycle, but a cycle that I like :D Going to get more tmrrw again, :D :D I'm dying now just thinking about it, k, change topic.

SIGHH, always end up in the same situation. SHOULD I, OR SHOULD I NOT. If I should, pocket burn big time. If I should not, save moolah but might get out of stock. WHAT A DILEMMA.

OMGGGGG, this Auzzie guy sat beside me during lecture tday, & HE SMELLED DAMN GOOD. Its not cologne smell, its his smell, like his own scent. & he smelled freaking good, its not like fragrancely-nice, its like i-like-that-smell-nice. Omg, if only Cindly Phua wasn't sleeping during lecture, I would have gotten her to smell him, HA HA HA. Sigh, seriously, he smelled so freaking good. K, I sound damn sick. But still!!

started typing here at 11.29pm

Monday, 03 August, 2009

Getting Your Mixtape

Chapel Street, Sunday 02 AUG







Jap food for lunch!! Love the Jap ambience & chairs & tables & deco. Will go back there again, but definitely won't order Shabu-Shabu. Their Shabu-Shabu has v little fillets & the soup is quite very tasteless. But the udon & gyoza & sushi wasn't that bad.

Went walking around but not much clothings. V good, then I can get my bag instead. Should I or should I not get my baggg, Yilin says yes but homey says no. Hmmmm, shall see if I still want it after 2weeks. Till then, if its gone, then its not fated. My v oftenly-used saying, HAHA.

Just had Finance tutorial & the tutor didn't come (!!) Class waited for 25minutes before everyone slowly left. How nice, absent for 1st tutorial, joke eh. Can't wait to see who he/she is next week, assuming that he/she comes. & to think that I was dying while doing Finance pre-tutorial work yesternight! Arghhhh. But at least I know my stuff now.

Now that its 2nd week of the semester, its back to the rat race. Getting tutorial work done in time before tutorial, writing down notes at the margin of lecture notes, finishing assignments before the due dates & reading the textbooks diligently w/o falling asleep with v heavy eyelids. Now I think that my HK dramas got to be put aside :/ I don't care, I'm gonna manage my time properly so that I can still watch them, HEEEE. Time management, v v important, as always.

Mummy was so angry with herself for being a computer noob & not knowing how to do what I was telling her to do to try & repair her SKype which screwed up. Felt v sad for she is desperately trying to repair it but it was all futile. & when she shut off the computer & started it again 2hours later, & when all was well, she was smiling & laughing non-stop C:

started typing here at 11.55am

Friday, 31 July, 2009

Chocolate with White Palettes

Max Brenners on a Friday night



Sinful food that puts smiles on even the most depressed person, seriously! Be it milk chocolate or dark chocolate, its the perfect proportion of milk & cocoa! Very niceeeee. Anyways, plan was to go to Golden Moneky but there were bouncers, so not all of us could enter. Changed to Max Brenners instead! Quite very fun playing games on Yilin's iphone & Cindy's itouch, by far the best entertainment! & also, Max brenner's own Wilbur Pan, hurhur.



LOL!! Yilin & I were so engrossed in the games. Finger sprint is damn fun! You use your fingers & try to complete the 1m race. Ann topped the high scores chart with 2.4something seconds. Damn fast! & I was 2nd with like, 0.4something seconds behind, HA HA HA. But the games are v v fun. Oh! & I have a nerd brain 8_8 According to the brain game. Hee, I think I will snowball down the hill & be suicidal if I get my own itouch & install games. Will be like a games addict & stare at the small rectangle screen & bang my finger against it like mad. Hmmm, maybe shouldn't get itouch, maybe just a nano... Hmmmm, shall consider.





All of us were there except for Charlene! She was watching the Sister's Keeper at Hoyts. I think I shall get Chew to download that movie. Cameron Diaz & the kid in Definitely, Maybe is acting in that movie! OHOH, & there is this new movie coming up called "Valentine's Day", & alot of good actors & actresses are acting in the movie! Jessica Alba, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Anne Hathaway, Julia Roberts, Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner & Patrick Dempsey. Going to be a good one!! & Tyra Banks is going to act in Gossip Girl as guest star, v excitinggg.

started typing here at 06.10pm

Wednesday, 29 July, 2009


FREAK! Intro Macro is driving me crazy. My original tutorial got cancelled off bec of venue problems & now I'm in a 8AM tutorial. Are you kidding me!!! 8AM?!??!?!?! & everywhere else is full or overfull (great) so I can't change it to anywhere 8_8!!!!!

started typing here at 11.59pm

Monday, 27 July, 2009

Brooklyn Bridge


Back in the land Down Under. Back to lectures & tutorials. Back to sandwich/croissant/macaroni/porridge for lunch most of the time. Back to skyping with Mummy. Back to shopping at Asian Mart & Safeway. An hour before I left home for the airport, I hugged Kiko & went all emo & talked to her & Rochel cried! HA HA, guess my words was very touching, LOL. Will see my babies again in 4 months time, patient I shall be. At the airport, I have no idea how I managed to get pass with my 28kg luggage bag when I'm only allowed 20kg. & homey's humongous luggage bag (the blue one) weighed 31.8kg! We had a hard time heaving it off the belt at Melbourne Airpot, LOL. Flight back was quite fast. Watched "Duplicity" & slept the rest of the time.

Changed & washed bedsheet, wiped study table & wardrobe & freed it from dust. Left study table with stacks of books & boxes everywhere & my bed was filled with clothings from my wardrobe. Cleared it at the end of the day. Had to tidy study table, put up photos on my walls & unpack my luggage bag.


My luggage bag is still unpacked after 2 days, HA HA. I took out everything except for my clothings brought back from Spore. Got to iron them out & hang them, will do so tmrrw! BUT BUT, I already put up 70 photos up on my walls, hung up my corkboard with ingenious rope-tying (:D) & put up posters. Also tidy-ed up my study table & removed all Semester 1 work from my files & packed them neatly, hee. All prepared from Semester 2.

1at day of sch tday! But only had 1 lecture, & we were late, LOL, very nice. Then went to print photos, get groceries from Safeway & Asian Mart. Got everything done! I like my newly decorated walls & rearranged study table. New arrangement for a new semester! I'm taking of shifting the position of my bed, hmmm, shall see. K, bye people, 2 lectures tmrrw.

started typing here at 11.59pm

Saturday, 25 July, 2009

Here It Goes Again

Flying off tonight. I don't want to leave, I'm not ready to leave tonight. It doesn't feel like I'm flying off, ha ha, weird. Ohwells, but I've got to. This 1 month of holiday has been a blast! I realize that with each holiday that I return to Spore, I spend more time with family & dogs at home, ha ha. No matter how bad I don't want to leave & can't bear to leave, I know I will be back again in 4months odd. Its a vicious cycle. Knowing that I will be back, I still don't want to leave :(

Thanks to all who made this month a fun one, all the bday celebs & hanging out! & the eating of homecooked food & local food. Now I'll be back to self-cooked food & not-the-best chinese eateries in Melbourne, ha ha. Till 4 months later my dearies! I will miss you all dearly as always!

Its gonna be hard, difficult & all teary to say goodbye to Kiko & Niuniu & Mummy later on, I'm tearing just at the thought of it...

started typing here at 05.30pm

Thursday, 23 July, 2009

Brunette Cinderalla

Tday! Went to see Yuki baby!! She was wagging her snake/mouse-tail behind her when she saw Mummy & I! Ahhh, forgot to say goodbye to her when we left in a hurry bec Mummy was going for pilates & I had to go to Orchard & j8 later on. But v v glad that Yuki is happy at Aunt's house! She used to not run around & play but just stayed in her cage in their house. But after coming to our house, Yuki has become an energetic puppy! We transformed her, ha ha. But really, feel v happy & at least, glad to know she is in better hands now!

Went to Orchard to get Percy Pigs, Yupi, Jap snacks. BUT NO MUJI MARSHMALLOWS! I think I have like, zero fate with Muji Marshmallows. I went to Paragon's Muji & Marina Square's Muji, & kosong, big fat zero. SIGHHHH. Nevermind, I might get a better shot tmrrw at Bugis' Muji, ha ha, CROSS FINGERS MAN.

I thought she was flying off tmrrw night! Ha ha, luckily Tjong told me she was flying off tonight, or else I would have missed her!! See you soon Yilin! Never met up with Melby ppl v often this holiday, only for bday celeb. HA, we're all busy with Spore circle of friends & family! ANYWAYS, SEE YOU IN MELBY MY BELOVED, LOL.

& I PACKED FINISH MY LUGGAGE BAG! Despite my flight being 2 nights later! Not that I'm all eager & excited to leave, but I don't want to spend my last hours & days in Spore packing my bag & being all flustered what I forgot to bring or do! Packed pretty quickly, HA HA. Packed half, then got Rochel to fold the rest, then put put put, DONE! I don't want to leaveeeeee, I want to be in Spore for another month, :/ But if holidays are that long, doubt I will be able to get back on tracks with my studies.

Omg, & I saw Animals in Society topics, I'm v v surprised, its all so foreign & profound, OMG, & Tjong went to read everything & told me that Animals' Seminars are only for Week 9, 10 & 11!! Meaning on Wednesday I only have Management tutorial! So expect to see me in sloppy & less-attended-to outfit. HA HA HA, or maybe I will hop over to Tjong's tutorial, shall see. ANYWAYS, back to my point, I don't want to leaveee! Homey, we can whine & bawl together at the airport, lol...

started typing here at 09.48pm

Wednesday, 22 July, 2009

I'm My Happy Ending




She is Yuki! My cousin's new puppy. Actually, its his girlfriend, but Yuki is staying at his house temporarily. & they practically know nothing about taking care of dogs, a book called "Keeping dogs for Dummies" will be perfect for them, sigh. Anyways! Yuki is down with skin problems from heat rash & my cousin, as kiasu & kiasi & paranoid as ever, thought Yuki is going to die from bad immune system & has to be put to sleep. Wthhhhhhhhh, gimme a break. So to salvage the situation, Yuki came over to our house & stayed overnight! Brought her to the vet & get her checkup, played with her & slept with her. She is such an energetic ball of fur! She plays actively & even sleeps in my arms. Even Niuniu doesn't do that, HA HA. Yuki can sleep anywhere, any position. Took a nap with Yuki right beside me in the afternoon & Mummy & Rochel kept coming in to see us sleep. HA HA HA. Anyways, cousin & his girlfriend came to pick Yuki up the next evening & taught them how to feed her medicine & play with her. I cried when Yuki left, :( I can't handle goodbyes for nuts! Only exception is when Daddy flies off, bec he is always overseas since young, other than that, I always tear & bawl at goodbyes. OKAY, GOOD NEWS IS! Mummy & I are going over to Cousin's place tmrrw to see Yuki (!!!!!!!!) & teach him how to carry her (8_8) & encourage Yuki to explore the house. Excite to see her tmrrw!!! Sigh, how am I going to leave on Saturday & say goodbye to Kiko & Niuniun once again, :/

3 days, 2 nights left, :((((

started typing here at 09.47pm

Saturday, 18 July, 2009

You Count to 5, I Count to 3

Chew just left for the airport, his university starts a week before mine so he is heading back first. Sigh, despite saying my goodbyes quite a few times already, I always still bawl everytime I leave or I see Chew leave. I had to leave the room & go aside bec if I stayed, I won't be able to control my tear glands. I don't know, its not that hard to leave family, but its Kiko & Niuniu thats heart-wrenching. Leaving them for another 4 months odd, without them jumping & licking when I get home, I'm going to miss it so so much. Sigh, these are the times I can't bear to leave my home here, as much as I enjoy being in Melbourne...

started typing here at 10.15pm

Friday, 17 July, 2009

When You Walked



Potong happy! Accompanied Chew to cut his hair before watching Harry Potterrr. Oh Merlin's beard, Harry Potter had no climax at all, it was just story story story finish! Too much emphasis on the relationships, from Ron & Lavender to Ron & Hermonie, from Ginny & Dean to Ginny & Harry Potter. Too little fighting, but more humour. Would prefer more magic & more fighting at the end = CLIMAX. Theatre was full of students, Chew was saying its a school excursion, ha ha. Not the best Harry Potter movie I would say!






Ahhh, love j8 basement!! The food is heaven, they have all the snacks down there! Shi Lin chicken, ToriQ, takopachi, TUTU GUI (!!), cup corn, shitake mushroom, YAMI yoghurt & this new shaved ice store!! OMG, it can compete with Slice! Slice's shaved ice has no flavour, then they pour the syrup/puree onto it. But j8's shaved ice itself has flavour! For example, we ordered mango, then the auntie took out this huge block of yellow-colour ice & started shaving it. Omg, the ice itself is mango-flavoured & its v v smooth, not like the normal Ice Kachang kind of crushed ice. & she was really generous with the mango puree & mango cubes too!! Going to go back & eat again before going back to Melbourne, hee.

Played Air Hockey at the arcade with Chew also. 1st game, 4-2, he cheated! I was bending down to take the slab bec I thought it was going to dispense out from my side, & it came out from his side instead & he shot a goal while I bent down. CHEATERRRR. Ha ha, but I was closer to winning the 2nd time round. He smash like mad pls, the slab was bouncing off the table like mad, had to keep finding it & resume playing, LOL.






Remaining photos are up on fb, too much to upload all here! HAPPY BDAY STELLA!! Hope you like the present & card, ha ha. We had cake, pizza & drinks! We spent lots of time at Yinghui's house waiting for Stella to reach. Was arranging my timetable while waiting. & my timetable is finally pretty-fied! Its not the best but I'm contented with it, at least very much better compared to the 1st one.

Ha ha, Semester 2 is coming. Going to see less of Yilin bec we have very little lessons together, & alot of Tjong bec we have Animals & Management together! Chew is flying back tmrrw bec his sch starts a week before mine, makes it seem so fast... I don't like returning to College Square at Melbourne bec it feels so cold, not homely & fuzzy & cozy. If only I can teleport my home from Spore over, with Kiko & Niuniu & Mummy & Rochel, :/ Nehmind, half a year more, & next year will be jam-packed with fun & cozyness!!

started typing here at 02.56pm